Our series of four webinars begins with two marvelous guests – Josh Reinstein and Tomas Sandell. Reinstein is the director of the Knesset’s Christian Allies Caucus and the author of the book Titus, Trump, and the Triumph of Israel (2019). He is widely recognized as the master practitioner of faith-based diplomacy, a field of soft power diplomacy he describes at important length here.

Tomas Sandell, from Finland, is the president and founder of the most important Christian, pro-Israeli organization in Europe – the European Coalition for Israel. The ECI draws on the support of Christians not only on behalf of Israel, but also on behalf of the struggle against antisemitism – and does so both at the grassroots level, and above all in the halls of EU and UN power.

Tomas Sandell and Josh Reinstein talk about faith-based diplomacy in the 21st century.