by ecpp_kokpit | Aug 28, 2021 | aktualności-en, analizy-en, Bez kategorii-en, Uncategorized
Philip Earl Steele – Tudor Petan, thank you for speaking with me. You are the founder and CEO of Alfa Omega TV in Romania, with its roots going back to 1994. In the over quarter-century since, you have created a Christian media empire in by far the largest country of...
by ecpp_kokpit | Aug 27, 2021 | aktualności-en, analizy-en, Bez kategorii-en, Uncategorized
Philip Earl Steele – Michaela Zahorska, Miša, it’s a pleasure to speak with you. Thank you for this opportunity. Protestantism in Czech lands goes back over 600 years, to the movement launched by Jan Hus’ ministry. But what about that much younger movement from within...
by ecpp_kokpit | Jul 27, 2021 | aktualności-en, analizy-en, Bez kategorii-en, Uncategorized
Philip Earl Steele – Peter Švec, it’s an honor. You are the national director of the Slovak branch of the ICEJ, the International Christian Embassy of Jerusalem. The ICEJ arose just over 4 decades ago in defence of Jerusalem’s status as the capital of Israel. Please...
by ecpp_kokpit | Jun 25, 2021 | aktualności-en, analizy-en, Bez kategorii-en, Uncategorized
Philip Earl Steele: Reverend Ćwierz, Edward – you are the pastor of the “Wieczernik” (The Upper Room) Christian Church in the Polish city of Kielce, and the Honorary Pastor of the “Namiot Dawida” (Tent of David) Church in Warsaw. And that is by no means your only...
by ecpp_kokpit | Jun 25, 2021 | aktualności-en, analizy-en, Bez kategorii-en, Uncategorized
Philip Earl Steele: Hello, Andrea – thank you very much for this chance to speak with you. As first things are first, please tell us about your affiliations with Evangelicalism in Hungary. Andrea Simonyi: Well, let me make a little correction here: I am not a “real”...